Coach ID ACADEMY concept pretends to promote coaching education, sharing and reflection moments associated with football performance.
In our events we have highly qualified professionals in several areas, who will help you to structure your identity as a coach and raise the level of your knowledge.
Knowing how to train is knowing how to put in practice.
The practical component, the demonstration, the example are key aspects of our academy concept.
Coach ID - Developing the excellence of football coaches!
Sign up for upcoming events or watch the lectures already done.
This masterclass pretends to understand a differentiated approach to the process of preparing football teams. A methodology developed by professor Francisco Seirul-o at FC Barcelona and which has been embodied over the last few years in the way of play of great teams that seek to play supported football with great tactical content.
Date: July 31
CREDITS: 0.6 credits
Football training - treinadores de grau I, II, III, IV